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Mass Effect 3 Head Morph Gibbed

For the headmorph: (You probably know this, but I'll post it in case someone else looking at the thread doesn't know how to create a headmorph.)1) In Gibbed open the ME3 save containing the Shepard you want to create a headmorph for.2) From the "Player" tab select the "Appearance" tab.3) Click "Head Morph" to open the drop menu.4) Select "Export To File...".5) I recommend saving the .me3headmorph file to its own folder (Example - C:\Users\\Documents\BioWare\Mass Effect 3\Headmophs).6) Once you have a location and file name click "Save".Creating the save:

Mass Effect 3 Head Morph Gibbed

Importing your headmorph:1) Open the ME3 save in Gibbed.2) From the "Player" tab select the "Appearance" tab.3) Click "Head Morph" to open the drop menu.4) Select "Import From File...".5) Select your .me3headmorph file.6) Click "Save".Other recommendations:

Now, you need to install the headmorph importer script in Blender (the one you downloaded at the beginning). The downloaded file is a zip file which contains only one python file : this file must be unzipped to the script/addons directory of your Blender installation.

Taeyeon Shepard (Headmorph only!)This headmorph is inspired by the face of Kim Taeyeon of SNSD (Girls' Generation). It is not intended to be the exact same replica of her face. It is made by only modifying certain meshes, properties and parameters in Gibbed's Mass Effect 3 Save Editor. No 3D modelling is made, therefore it only uses some in-game character assets that the game can natively recognize. It is not perfect, as I am only newbie to modding, but it work.It is best to import this headmorph via Gibbed's Mass Effect 3 Save Editor.It also requires third-party hair mod and textures, to get the exact same appearance as shown by the pictures.Taeyeon's hair mod is Kerli by GirlPlaysGame. It can be found here: -day-27-kerli-hair/For texture, I used Retake of Femshep KaniH face texture by ShirohoIt can be downloaded here: (Optional, requires TexMod to use) =description------------------------------------------------------------------------- TECHNICAL DETAILS FOR FEATURE MORPHS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Browse to: Raw tab > 3. Squad > Player > Apperances > Head Morph > Feature Morphs (Property = Value)All other properties not listed here have a value of 0.race_yngAsn = 1race_oldAsn = 0.2neck_Thin = 0.16shape_skinny = 0.14cheek_Bjavascript-event-stripped 0.103333414cheek_DepthFront = 0.106666759cheek_Gaunt = 0.8ears_small = 0.32ears_out = 0.02eyeShape_droop = 0.5eyeShape_SlantUp = 0.2eyeShape_yngAsn = 1eyes_PosDown = 0.08eyes_Wide = 0.160000041eyes_Forward = 0.186666682eyes_browBack = 0.466666639eyes_brownDown = 0.399999976jaw_chinUp = 0.186666682jaw_chinIn = 0.4jaw_chinThin = 0.320000052jaw_narrow = 0.8666667mouthShape_liara = 0.2mouthShape_yngCauc = 0.2mouth_Back = 0.8mouth_Narrow = 0.28mouth_lipsThin = 0.133333266mouth_Down = 0.4nose_BridgeOut = 0.1nose_BridgeIn = 1.1nose_BridgeThin = 0.5nose_BridgeWide = 0.1nose_nostrilsnarrow = 0.25nose_tipWide = 0.2nose_TipDown = 0.2nose_Down = 0.4nose_BottomIn = 0.8

IMPORTANT! - While making changes, make sure you back up your headmorph at every step of the way so you can revert back a step if needed. Often when making manual changes in gibbed you will get unintended consequences (see the last picture of this thread for an example of this.)

I would hope that it would be as simple as figuring out how to get the files for the headmorphs, editing one in 3ds max, then using gibbed to put it on your player... but if it were that simple, I'd imagine that there would be lots of custom headmorphs floating around on the different mod sites, but there aren't any, as far as I can tell.

Now that I think of it, I have seen "play as [party member]" mods before, so maybe it would be possible to find an npc's morph, edit it in 3ds max, and use gibbed to put the morph on/ change hair, etc.

How do I get it to be 5 smaller than original(I dont want to change 6000 value manually via the LOD0 Vertices) User Info: Wuhy Wuhy (Topic Creator) 9 years ago 2 This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator Boards Mass Effect 2 gibbed head morph. 350c69d7ab


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